A daily 8 hour coma

8 solutions for you and better sleep…

12 min readNov 29, 2023

Congratulations, you are a parent…

Imagine you had a baby and the doctor said “the baby is healthy, but every day it will go into a mini coma for 8 hours”.

You may ask to see another doctor.

It is weird af right

Especially for animals that could be prey — needing to stop, lie down and rest each day for a period of time seems like a monumental flaw of nature.

Yet, sleep, for all its flaws, is an evolutionary success on almost all levels. It haas persisted in a huge variety of animals— including insects!

In this book, sleep-researcher Matthew Walker helps uncover the last 30 years of research for us, explain terms like REM/NREM and help us see that evolution’s love of sleep for all animals should not be something we humans think is bothersome, wasteful or should be minimised.

What is sleep?

In short, it seems to be a collection of functions:

  1. storing the past,
  2. simulate the future,

